Fact Check Policy

At DoodhJalebi24, we are committed to presenting accurate and reliable information to our readers. Our Fact Check Policy outlines our commitment to verifying the accuracy of the content we publish and our approach to ensuring factual integrity.

Verification Process

Before publishing any news, articles, or information, our editorial team follows a rigorous verification process. This process involves:

  1. Source Evaluation: We assess the credibility of information sources, giving preference to reputable and reliable sources such as established news outlets, official statements, and credible experts.
  2. Cross-Verification: We cross-reference information from multiple sources to validate facts and ensure consistency in reporting.
  3. Expert Consultation: In cases involving technical, scientific, or specialized subjects, we seek input from qualified experts to verify accuracy.
  4. Corroboration of Claims: Any extraordinary claims or controversial information is thoroughly investigated and supported by credible evidence before publication.

Corrections and Updates

Despite our best efforts, inaccuracies or errors may occasionally occur. When identified, we are committed to promptly correcting and updating the information. Corrections are clearly marked within the content, acknowledging the error and providing accurate information.

Dispute Resolution

If you believe any content on our website contains factual inaccuracies, please contact us at [editorial@doodhjalebi24.com]. We will promptly investigate and, if necessary, correct any verified inaccuracies.